What Qualifies as Low Income in Contra Costa County?

Extremely low-income households are defined as those that earn 30% or less of the area median income (AMI). Very low-income households make up 50% or less of the AMI, while low-income households make up 80% or less of the AMI, subject to HUD limits. Middle households, on the other hand, earn 100% of the AMI. The Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development has a program in place to ensure employment and hiring opportunities for low-income individuals or businesses that reside in Contra Costa.

This program, known as Section 3, is specifically related to HUD-funded projects and activities such as construction, rehabilitation, demolition, or other public housing construction. It is important to note that the Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development does not own or manage affordable housing rental apartments and does not provide housing placement services.